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The suited-booted Sanghi

The phenomenon of the suited-booted Sanghi in the diaspora is a strange apparition.

Unlike an apparition however, the suited-booted Sanghi is a grotesque reality of the diaspora. An everyday diaspora reality that threatens Indian democracy. His ideas of hate, hidden carefully by a well-managed front that appeals to Whiteness, are the ideas that make up the infrastructures of the Hindutva terrorist groups in India.

The suited-booted Sanghi comes in both male and female versions.

Dressed up to assimilate.

With the suit and the designer sunglasses.

Or with the shade of Dior and Christian Louboutin. With the designer bag. And the accented English.

It might be a Kiwi accent, or a put-on British accent, or an American-midwest accent.

The suited-booted Sanghi is your model immigrant.

At least on the surface. He works hard, is polite in the office, stays up until late to get his work done.

You would think this is the face of multicultural US, or multicultural UK, or multicultural New Zealand. He knows the right things to say. The right posters and facebook messages to put up. The right way to show his sympathy for the next cause.

This facade leads you to believe he is your model Kiwi or model American. The structures of Whiteness wish more immigrants were so well-spoken, hard working, and ready to assimilate.

It is just that what he does in his evenings or the weekend or the comments he makes on his WhatsApp chats where he feels safe or his idea of Indian history are carefully hidden.

Tucked away. Manicured in a cultivated model immigrant image.

In the privacy of his diaspora life, the suited-booted Sanghi loves to hate.

Having to perform the model migrant every day, having to bear the onslaughts of racism in White society, feeling a sense of disconnection from his identity, he places his hopes in the Sangh, a terrorist outfit that seeks hegemony through the cultivation of fear.

He believes in made-up stories such as Hindus were the original inhabitants of India and that the historical account of the migration into the sub-continent is a lie cooked up by sickular libtards.

Secularism and liberalism are abuses for the suited-booted Sanghi. Although he lives somewhere in the diaspora, the idea of a pure Hindu India, cleansed from all the foreign invaders very much appeals to him. In his lessons on the Gita and "Art of Living" sessions, he seeks connections with his roots. These connections ironically are also connections of exclusion, fed on the image of the "other" that threatens his Hindu civilization.

The suited-booted Sanghi is an everyday reality of the diaspora. A reality that threatens the very ideas of democracy and secularism in India.

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