For the many professional Indians that live abroad, the struggles for a green card are integral to the journey of economic progress, of making a life abroad. Making a life for oneself abroad provides many opportunities and most importantly, a ladder to succeed economically. This is the premise of many an immigrant dream, the ultimate rendition of the IIT-IIM fantasy. I myself have pursued this dream, and understand the anxieties that surround the processes of securing a visa, getting a green card, securing permanent residence, and ultimately may be, securing a citizenship. When going through the reams of paperwork, it certainly is overwhelming to fill up document after document. The anxiety around the immigration process occupies the dinner table topic of many an immigrant conversation, sharing in stories of an unfair immigration system. In the sharing of the anxieties, professional immigrants often share their lack of understanding of what seems to them to be a racist syste...
This blog offers Mohan Dutta's reflections on the theoretical framework of the culture-centered approach, examining the interplays among Structure, Culture, and Agency in shaping marginalisation and the ways in which communities at the margins challenge structures. Writings on the blog are continually being revised to reflect the organic analysis of structure and agency.