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Two-year post-doctoral research fellow positions at CARE-NUS

Two-year Postdoctoral Research Fellow Positions 15 July 2012
2 positions available immediately.

Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE)
Department of Communication and New Media
Faculty of Arts and Social Science
National University of Singapore,

Job Description:

The Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation is a project-driven center housed in the Department of Communication and New Media at the National University of Singapore that utilizes ethnographic and participatory action research methods in carrying out culturally-centered social change interventions in marginalized populations. The Center is global in scope with initial project emphases in South Asia and Southeast Asia. The goals of the Center are to (a) create a strategic research core for the social scientific study of health communication and social change issues in Asia (e.g. China, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka), (b) develop health communication interventions and policies that are culturally-centered and developed through the acknowledgement of the participatory capacity of local communities in creating culturally meaningful and locally responsive health solutions, (c) disseminate core principles and lessons learned from the culture-centered projects within Asia and across other sectors of the globe, and (d) build health communication research capacity in Asia by creating a training hub for the next generation of health communication theorists, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers across Asia.

The candidate is expected to be familiar with the culture-centered approach to research and evaluation, and is expected to have experience conducting field-based participatory research. Training will be provided on the use of the facilities in the university. The candidate should also have some experience working with ethnography, although on-the-job training will also be provided. Other skills include the ability to carrying out social change campaigns in disenfranchised populations. Proficiency in Bangla, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, Malay, Philippine, or Mandarin will be an added plus point.


- PhD in the area of health communication, public health, medical anthropology, or medical sociology, with coursework in health communication and qualitative research methods.

- Experience in conducting in-depth interviews, focus groups, and/or ethnographies.

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions for the Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) are as follows:

1.     Contract to be awarded beginning from July 2012 tenable for up to two years.

2.     An Annual Base Salary of $48,000 per year.

3.     An allowance of S$500 a month as contribution towards housing expenses for non-citizens (i.e. non-Singaporeans) and their spouses who do not own any property in Singapore and whose spouses are not in receipt of any form of housing benefits from their Singapore employers.

4.     Singapore citizens and permanent residents are eligible for provident fund benefits.

5.     Travel Assistance, payable once only, as follows.

·         $2,000 for the Postdoctoral Fellow

·         $2,000 for spouse

·         $1,000 for each eligible child, subject to a maximum of 3 children.  Children must be less than 18 years of age and receiving full-time education.

The above travel assistance is a contribution towards expenses incurred by the appointee and his/her dependants in re-locating to Singapore. Such expenses refer to costs for travel, packing, transportation and insurance of personal and professional effects as well as settling-in expenses.

The travel allowance is contingent upon the Postdoctoral Fellow's completion of his/her initial two-years’ contract. In the event that the appointee does not fulfill the initial two-years’ contract, the appointee shall be liable to refund the University a proportionate amount of the travel assistance granted to him/her and his/her dependants on appointment.

6.     Foreign PDFs who are granted Singapore Permanent Residence will continue to receive an allowance of S$500 a month as contribution towards housing expenses.  The allowance will cease once they acquire Singapore citizenship.

7.     Medical benefits in accordance with the Medical Benefit Plan.

8.     Vacation leave of 28 days per calendar year.


Interested candidates are invited to email a detailed resume, and copies of supporting documents and names and contact details of two academic referees to:

Dr Mohan J. Dutta, Director, Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation at

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