In Chapter four of Communicating Social Change, Dutta (2011) discusses how dominant structures marginalize the subaltern sectors by erasing their voices from the discursive spaces where health policy decisions that impact the Subaltern’s lives are taken. He further illustrates how Transnational Corporations and global organizations contribute in the marginalization of the subaltern through International Trade Agreements and Structural Adjustment Programs that give TNCs unfettered access to the local knowledge and commodification of indigenous knowledge. My comments:
1. Not for Profit Organizations in Third World countries are engaged by the Dominant structures to implement their hidden agenda using the rhetoric of Public Private Partnerships (PPP), participatory development and community partnerships as catch phrase for coopting the subaltern populace. My question is: Given that these NGOs rely on donors for funding, can they really resist the directives of the dominant structures especially given that they have been made to be dependent on the donors?
2. In addition to listening to the voices of subaltern communities, what other rhetorical strategies can CCCA practitioners adopt to get the dominant structures to buy into co-construction by subaltern as authentic way of creating social change.
1. Not for Profit Organizations in Third World countries are engaged by the Dominant structures to implement their hidden agenda using the rhetoric of Public Private Partnerships (PPP), participatory development and community partnerships as catch phrase for coopting the subaltern populace. My question is: Given that these NGOs rely on donors for funding, can they really resist the directives of the dominant structures especially given that they have been made to be dependent on the donors?
2. In addition to listening to the voices of subaltern communities, what other rhetorical strategies can CCCA practitioners adopt to get the dominant structures to buy into co-construction by subaltern as authentic way of creating social change.