Why White supremacists support free speech? For the White supremacist and the collaborators of White supremacy (including Zionists that support various forms of White supremacy, more on this in a later blog), the instrument of free speech is a powerful tool. You will often hear the White supremacist rallying behind calls for free speech. Such so-called higher order defense of free speech that White supremacists often jump to is to make space for far-right White supremacists to attack the dignity and human rights of communities of colour. White supremacists placing themselves behind the freedom of speech agenda is an effort to prop up White supremacy. The underlying agenda of the White supremacist is to uphold White supremacy as the normative structure of society. How then do White supremacists attack voices of colour? This therefore also means that the White supremacist simultaneously must silence the freedom of speech of people of colour, especially the voices o...
This blog offers Mohan Dutta's reflections on the theoretical framework of the culture-centered approach, examining the interplays among Structure, Culture, and Agency in shaping marginalisation and the ways in which communities at the margins challenge structures. Writings on the blog are continually being revised to reflect the organic analysis of structure and agency.