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Showing posts from March, 2025

Welcoming March 2025, a month of celebrations and reflection: Connection as anticolonialism

Muslim celebrations of Ramadan Writing this blog post on this first day of March 2025, I feel joyful about the openings for renewal and hope this time brings.  This year, the colorful Hindu festival of Holi crisscrosses Muslim celebrations of Ramadan.  Anticolonial syncretism Growing up in Bengal in the 1980s, in the cosmopolitan town of Kharagpur, in a family that traversed interfaith spaces in our everyday lives and relationships, both these festivals reflected invitations to love across difference, to connect, and to explore possibilities of mutuality.  Hindu celebrations of Holi This anchor to mutuality formed the heart of a decolonizing politics in the South Asian subcontinent, actively creating a register that resisted the colonizing whiteness of divide and rule strategies.  Against these violent strategies of manipulation created by the British through the careful study of colonized societies, anticolonial resistance sutured spaces of dialogue and building bri...