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Showing posts from September, 2024

The Free Speech Union's targeting of Universities: Why we must resist the distortions

Universities have increasingly found themselves as targets of Far-Right campaigns seeking to destabilize them . In Aotearoa as in connected settler colonial spaces, this Far-Right campaign is the face of white supremacy, seeking to platform extremists, and concocting a discourse of panic around the Western University in danger because of the struggles put forth by Indigenous, Black, ethnic migrant and diverse intersectional communities against the prevailing ideology of white supremacy. At the core of the moral panic propagated by the Far-Right is the construction of the University as a hallowed institution of Western civilization (as if Universities and knowledge generating spaces didn't exist outside of the West). Projecting Indigenous, Black, and migrant communities as threats to Western values, the racist campaign of the Far Right seeks to return the modern University to its good old days. Consider the following post by McGimpsey, a Case, Research and Drafting Advisor at the F

The Free Speech Union's Far Right Agenda and the Attack on Universities: Leaping from Climate Surveys to Moral Panics

The trope of academic freedom in danger is a critical resource in the organized attack of the Far Right on the modern University. One of the core techniques of the Far Right in its efforts to destabilize academic institutions is cook up a frenzy around free speech, intentionally conflating free speech issues with academic freedom. As an exemplar of the communicative inversions performed by the Far Right, the panic around academic freedom is actually a critical tool then in catalyzing attacks on the academic freedom of decolonizing practices in the University. What the Far Right, and the underlying infrastructure of white supremacy is triggered by is that Universities are slowly transforming, starting to acknowledge that centuries of colonial epistemic violence have erased the knowledge infrastructures of colonized peoples. In Aotearoa, as I have demonstrated in my analyses, the Free Speech Union uses ideologically motivated faulty surveys to create the panic around academic freedom. Wi