<Notes from fieldwork> Working in a patriarchal Asian authoritarian regime where university structures were deeply complicit in the reproduction and circulation of a climate of sexual harassment, one of the emergent areas for CARE's work has focused on sexual harassment within Asian universities. Through face-to-face participant observations, digital participant observations, focus groups, in-depth interviews, and two cross-sectional surveys, our team of academics, community researchers, and activists have documented the various forms of sexual harassment in Asian universities. Much of this work within the university was shaped by the recognition of the urgency of social change within the university, with multiple accounts shared by students, graduate staff, non-academic staff and junior academic staff of experiences of sexual harassment that were not dealt with. In CARE's work with the question of sexual harassment in Asian Universities, particularly salient was the dep...
This blog offers Mohan Dutta's reflections on the theoretical framework of the culture-centered approach, examining the interplays among Structure, Culture, and Agency in shaping marginalisation and the ways in which communities at the margins challenge structures. Writings on the blog are continually being revised to reflect the organic analysis of structure and agency.