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Irrationality of metrics and metricide

Metricide, death by metrics, is catalyzed by an accelerated culture of irrationality that parades itself under the guise of reason. I think of the epidemic of metricide each time that I speak with a junior colleague, each time that I write a promotion and tenure letter, and each time that I sit on a review committee. Mentoring assistant professors is an everyday reminder of this death by metrics. The burden of metrics is borne by the most junior academics, subjecting them to a continual state of anxiety. The suicidal anxieties produced in academics by the race for metrics has deleterious health effects, in many instances resulting in poor mental health outcomes among academics; and in some instances, resulting in death (recall the stories of a colleague dying of a heart attack in the office next door). Beyond killing academics, metrics kill academia. They take the creativity, joy, and freedom of academia, and turn these positive emotions into an accelerated chase for numbers.

The act of evaluation, majoritarian hegemony, and the double standards of meritocracy

In academia, the act of evaluation often works to reproduce the hegemonic formation. The hegemony of a particular way of thought, of a particular racial group, of a particular religious group etc. can be maintained through strategies of evaluation based on double standards disguised as meritocracy. So two different standards are applied to academics as they are evaluated. Let's take the category of race. Say in a particular culture, the majority race X is given privilege across all positions and ranks, with entirely different standards applied for members of X as compared to members of other races. Movement to the top is dictated by standards that are often arbitrary. Various positions of decision-making are held by members of X, all the way from College level positions to positions at the level of University leadership. The racist ideas held by members of X are circulated as normative, obfuscating the ways in which these ideas then privilege members of X within instit
Students carry forward the work of a research tradition. This is certainly true of the work of the CCA. I have long held the knowledge that it is in the work of our students that the openings for new imaginations are created. With their passion and courage, they build new paths for articulating and carrying forward the spirit of social justice. Their authenticity and commitment, not jaded by the parochialisms of academic power plays and seductions, speak truth, taking on power and challenging it. This is the facebook post and the valedictory speech delivered by my PhD advisee Dr. Pauline Luk. Pauline is currently a Lecturer in the Li Ka Shing School of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong. Pauline's speech embodies many of the values that are so fundamental to the work we do: "Prof. Mohan Dutta , thank you very much for your teaching, encouragement, support in the past years. It is a very fruitful journey for being a supervisee under your mentorship. I learned a

Three most recent CARE PhDs: Courage, Care, and Commitment

On July 19, Thursday, three of my most recently defended advisees will walk in the Commencement Ceremony at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Each of these three PhDs embody the ethic of the culture-centered approach (CCA), living and negotiating through structures to create anchors for change. Every doctoral advisor is proud of her students. My pride in my students goes beyond this sense of having worked closely together for over three years and witnessing the completion of a significant project to having an immense sense of gratitude in being able to work with graduate students that embody the values of the CCA: courage, care, and commitment. Dr. Gui Kai Chong, a superbly gifted teacher, the anchor for many of the students in the Department of Communications and New Media (CNM), came to work with me while serving as a full-time instructor. To be a full-time instructor is to teach a large load of courses. This is something Kai Chong excels in, delivering each course w

Resistance, change, and development: The story of Jangalmahal

My work in Santali communities in what is now described as Jangalmahal started in the mid-1990s, attempting to understand the communicative production of marginalization. This work was driven by the questions: What is the role of communication in producing material marginalizations of Santalis? How does communication work to reproduce these forms of marginalization? What are the imaginaries of resistance articulated in the backdrop of such marginalization? These questions and the emerging ideas formed the bases of the culture-centered approach (CCA), attending to the role of communication as an instrument for perpetuating power and for reproducing the marginalization of indigenous communities. The communicative disenfranchisement of indigenous communities is deeply intertwined with their material disenfranchisement. The struggles against displacement, exploitation, and erasure from sites of access to resources mirror the indignities, stigmas, and erasures experienced by Santalis.

Claims to social justice and academic life

Let's consider this narrative account: Thanuja left her long cherished position as an Administrative Manager in an academic department because the harassment she was being subjected to by a clique of academics was becoming untenable. She had held this job for a decade and knew her job well. Her colleagues enjoyed working with her because they trusted her competence and assertiveness. Faculty members relied on her for getting things done. Things quickly changed when the clique started coming in and forming itself. The clique felt that a non-academic should not have so much say. It was threatening to see the degree of trust Thanuja enjoyed. She had to be cut to size and shown her position as a non-academic. Threatening emails. Insults couched as instruction. Insults in face-to-face meetings. Public shaming. Shouting at Thanuja, and taking turns shouting. Reminding her she is not an academic. The everyday stress was taking a toll on her body. The academics would come in

On "closed door meetings" and totality of control

One of the forms of totalitarian control is the control over discursive spaces and sites of knowledge production. The totality of control is achieved through the tools of surveillance, systematic management, and manipulation of academic spaces, constructed within the logics of state and market power. The market reigns precisely through the arms of the state that give legitimacy to forms of resource extraction in the hands of private capital. The state, thus reorganized as a capitalist tool, legitimizes various forms of control through explicit communicative tools such as policies as well as implicit tools that set the expectations of communication. One such tool of totalitarian control exerted over knowledge production is research calibration. Research calibration works as a method for aligning academic work with the agendas of the state, setting implicitly the limit imposed on what can be studied, how studies are conducted, and the ways in which studies are circulated. For

CARE's activist-in-residence program: Resisting structures

CARE collaborators activists Vanessa Ho & Sherry Sherqueshaa The CCA begins with the recognition that to address health inequalities, unhealthy structures need to be fundamentally transformed. Without changing these highly unequal structures, the overarching conditions that threaten the health of the poorest and the most marginalized remain intact. The health inequalities persist because the structures continue to threaten the health of the most vulnerable, producing precarious conditions of life and livelihood. As an explicit framework for communicating for health equity then, the CCA brings about a paradigm shift in traditional health communication. Acknowledging the limits of behaviour change programs that individualize health risks, the CCA shifts the role of communication to advocacy directed explicitly at resisting and transforming structures. CARE's activist-in-residence program models this framework of social change communication as integral to the transformati

Resistance and neoliberal cultural studies

It is increasingly fashionable for a certain brand of Cultural Studies to declare, "resistance is irrelevant." This brand of cultural studies, I term as "neoliberal Cultural Studies," re-fashions cultural studies as superficial definition of cultural artefacts in the service of the global free market. Inherent here is the agenda of knowledge production to serve the neoliberal turn. The surface-level description of cosmopolitanism, hybridity, and cultural heritages in global markets is re-worked into the ideology of the free market, depicting the collaborative possibilities that are opened up through the expansion of the free market. Culture, and the knowledge about culture, in this depiction is worked into the global logics of the free market. Depictions of contexts and objects immersed in these contexts uncritically reproduce market-driven logics describing global flows. Depictions of consumption practices for instance offer celebratory narratives of t

What do human rights have to do with health?

I was interrogated by the system, "What do human rights have to do with health communication?" The culture-centered approach seeks to build communicative infrastructures for listening to the voices of the margins. The communicative infrastructures serve as anchors to the articulation of transformative processes that challenge the unhealthy structures that constitute health. The recognition that the inequalities in health outcomes are often produced by highly unequal structures that are sustained and reproduced by unhealthy policies emerges as the basis for health communication as health advocacy. In the voices of the margins, the challenges to health are often understood as challenges of human rights. Beginning with the notion that health is a fundamental human right, communities at the margins co-create advocacy strategies directed at resisting structures that deny them this fundamental human right. As a way of responding to the interrogation, I went back to the

Harmony and Chinese privilege

Harmony is often used as a term drawn from Confucianism and other cultural tropes connected to Chinese origin narratives to portray a positive narrative of institutional and organizational cultures. In such narratives, a desirable harmonious structure is one that is devoid of conflict and dialectics, one where "all get along." The condition of "getting along" is placed in opposition to notions of conflict and argumentation. Obfuscated in this narrative however is the way in which the concept of harmony serves as a trope for reproducing and protecting privilege in Chinese majority societies. As a trope, harmony calls for the production of consent, while simultaneously erasing the voices of difference and dissent. "Other" voices from elsewhere are projected as threatening to the desired state of equilibrium. That this desired state of equilibrium often typically serves the dominant elite categories is obfuscated in the discursive space. The voi